Monday, December 05, 2005

Who was Permeanius Brink?

Who was Permeanius Brink? That was the name on this photo I found on the Liverpool, Pennsylvania web site, in its gallery of historic photographs. This old gentleman, in his fur hat (muskrat?), lived on a simple house boat along the shores of the Susquehanna River. The flag on his cabin looks like it has 48 stars, which would make this at least 1912. The barge beside his floating cabin seems to be full of fire wood. The wood probably feeds a wood burning stove, evidenced by the stovepipe sticking out of the metal roof of his little house. He has a small skiff for fishing and getting around. And, on his houseboat, there is what looks like a small animal trap on the bow of Mr. Brink's boat--waiting for a new hat, or perhaps tonight's dinner?? Braised muskrat anyone?


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